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Mizpe Alummot Method

בואו לנופש בריאות

Mind-Body Cleansing and Juice Fasting, based on the Ann Wigmore Philosophy

  • "Mizpe Alummot"  do not guarantee a particular result,  each individual have different reaction to the treatment

Our method follows the natural healing philosophy of Living Foods. Our philosophy regards the mind, the body and the spirit as one whole. It teaches a natural way of living, leading to a life free of  disease, also offering the tools for healing the body.

We live in a  world filled with chemicals, toxins, processed food, anxiety and stress, all of which weaken our immune system, making our bodies  vulnerable and prone to various diseases. As a result, many people suffer from obesity, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, fibromialgia, cancer and other conditions.

Most of these illnesses can be cured just by choosing a healthier way of life, which includes a natural organic enzyme-rich diet, plenty of juices, body cleansing, exercise, breathing,  and replenishing our energies. Positive thinking is an essential part of our philosophy and healing.

The combination of diet, meditation techniques, guided imagery, positive thinking, conscious breathing and dance and music therapy, reinforce our immune system and our mental strength.

See Also:

The Place
The Place
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The Nutrition
The Nutrition

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The Program

The Program

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